Monday, August 15, 2011

Monkey talk

I tried to get the monkey to have a go at debate where they have to provide reasons on whether they would give up their handphones or give up the use of the Internent. And man, it was chaotic!! They were just shouting about and arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm never gonna do this again until i figure out how do i handle a bunch of monkys just shouting at one another. I need a plan to control them so that they can learn to debate/argue more politely. Any suggestions??

On the other hand, it snowed! In Auckland!! Man, i can't believe I missed it by about a year. But then again, snow is messy and troublesome. Not at all pretty and romantic. I mean, snowflakes and liht snow may set the mood well but snowstorms...??!! No thank you!!


A s h i k i n said...

i guess you need to lay out the rules before you start anything. i know you didn't expect it to be that chaotic, but these people had never experienced anything like a 'polite argument' before so you need to explain how you want it to be done. keep reminding them the rules. have patience? even monkeys can be taught ;p

Unknown said...

Give them serums similar to the one in Rise of Planet of The Apes. Yes, they will be smarter :)

amy_may said...

Kin: Yes, I guess i should have done that. They have never really went through the whole debate idea yet.
Khirol: If the monkeys get any smarter, it has to be "Miss Chong's serum", not any other artificial stuff.