Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Gift of Giving

It's Christmas season again and we're all taking advantage of the Malaysian Mega Sale to buy gifts for people and ourselves. The thought of giving presents to our love ones and friends may seem foreign to some, but it's a tradition in my family. We were raised in a family that believes giving is better than recieving for we are blessed to bless.

The Yuletide season isn't the only time we wrap something up nicely and present it to another human being. This includes presents for birthdays and anniversaries alike. Sad to say not everyone is born with the gift of giving, or may I say common courtesy or common sense :~

1) To re-give a present is not a crime but it's a major no-no when you re-give the present to the original buyer.

2) It's also not a crime to use our age, gender and hobbies as guidelines in selecting presents but it's a major, big problem when these guides becomes the ONLY guideline. A girl doesn't necessarily always love cute and lovey-dovey things and a boy doesn't necessarily fancy maculine items (though they do not admit it).

3) It's the thought that counts, right? Wrong! Imagine my horror when I unwrap a present only to find a toilet paper holder or a bar of soap. It's insulting and not to mention, embarassing to be given such a present. And frankly, I don't really want to know or even understand the rationale behind the gift or your flipping thoughts.

4) Gift cards may seem tacky and thoughtless but the givers are actually smart enough to not humilate and offend the reciever. So, a word of advice. Get a gift card if you're really not sure. It may come off as thoughlessness but trust me, you will be appreciated more than the toilet paper holder giver.

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