Saturday, January 16, 2010

Drabble 003

c 2010 All rights reserved by AmyMay Production.
Silent reading is allowed. Plagiarism isn't.

People say we're different. You and I. No matter how hard we try, we'll never be the same. So why bother trying to get to know each other better? Why bother trying to be there, physically and emotionally, for each other?

We're both from two different worlds. You and I. I realize that every time I look your way. But I want to know you better. I want to try and be there for you, always.

You know why? Because I want to. I want to prove to them that although we may look different, we're all the same. The same smile on our faces when we're happy. The same salty tears running down our faces when we're sad. The same pain when someone breaks our heart into pieces. The same burning desire to be loved. The same fear of being lonely. Deep down inside every one of us, we're all the same.

And because of that, although we're different, we can prove to them that we can care for each other. You and I. Every time I look your way, I look at a different person but I see the same smile, tears, pain, desire and fear.

AmyMay Production
c 2010 All rights reserved.